Established 1810

While the proofs of civilization’s beginnings in Parke County have been lost along with the buffalo trails thanks to an early courthouse fire, much the same stories have drifted down through generations of descendants of those early settlers.  Legend has it that a surveyor, John Doty, was one of many contracted by the US government following after the Louis and Clark Expedition for the purpose quantifying lands of the Northwest Territory prior to dividing it up for statehoods.  So it goes, this area of the state was assigned to Doty, who then selected what is now Rosedale as his new home.  We do know concretely that Doty owned land beginning at the northeast corner of Rosedale’s Main and Central Streets as that corner itself remained Doty property until Mary Doty’s house was replaced with an IGA grocery in the early half of the 1900’s.  We also know that Rosedale was originally named Dotyville, its name changed upon incorporation in 1860 in honor of local resident entrepreneur Chauncey Rose who made his original fortune in these parts and generously shared it for the betterment of all once he achieved success. 

As the first settlement in Parke County, Indiana, Rosedale represents the historic roots of the first pioneering into the Northwest Territory, the American midlands. One of only four incorporated county communities, Rosedale strives to maintain the values, ethics, and warm homesteading hospitality which has lent a welcoming flavor to Parke County for millions of visitors throughout the years.

Citizens of Rosedale-Southwest Parke are involved in many activities throughout the year, including Rosedale Strawberry Festival in early June, Rosedale’s very arts and crafts focused share in October’s Parke County Covered Bridge Festival(tm), the two-day Christmas Craft Bazaar which graces us each December, and numerous other church, school and civic group events.

See our Community blog tab at your right for more information on the town’s local activities.

Want to be active in our community?

  Here are just some of the scheduled meetings you can attend: 
        3rd Monday – Civic Club (Florida Township Civic Center, 7 pm)
        1st Tuesday – Town Board (town hall, 7 pm)
        2ndTuesday – Fire Dept. (fire house on Main, 6″30 pm)
        3rd Tuesday — PTO (Rosedale Elementary School, 7 pm)
        1st Thursday — Stewards of the Rosedale Community (Civic Center, 7 pm)
        Wednesdays – evening worship services at our churches
       1st Saturday a.m. – American Legion members meeting

In addition, feel free to show interest in Rosedale Masonic Lodge, SOS/YouthCare, Concerned Citizens for a Better Rosedale, Rosedale’s Sorority, 4-H, Scouts and Explorer troups, Fraternal Order of Police, and other such fine organizations working to preserve and enhance our community.  If your organization is not listed on the above schedule, please DO email us with specifics so we can add you to our list here!

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